Archive | October 2019

You (my family pet growing up)

Today is the day you were born.

Today, I celebrate your Being

With the moving of my Soul

The moving of that which is eternal in me.

At the age of 16 when you died

Me being one year older

I did not cry

Thinking I had cried already

When as a child

I realized

That you who I had known from the earliest days

In my mother’s womb

Would – like all forms on this earth – one day die

And being a dog

Would that much sooner.

And I wept softly in my bed that night

Years before your passing.

And so


I carried the pain inside for over 30 years

Until one day

Surrounded by other wonderful loving eternal Beings

At a healing workshop

I let my Soul be moved

And the flow of tears emerged

Tears that I did not know existed

And the healing began.


How beautiful it is to let my Soul be moved

To express love

To allow all the pretexts and roles dissolve

To be completely authentic

To cry

To weep

To let my Soul emerge and burst forth into my life

Unashamed to show and be who I truly am

No longer needing to hide from others

Having released all those thoughts about who I should be

No longer thinking of myself as being this or that role

And how in such a role I need to be strong or responsible or please others

Or conform to this or that way of being

None of which can even begin to capture

The essence of who and what I am, of who and what you are.

So thank you eternal Being

For your life

Your presence

For the things I liked

And the things I didn’t (like the rare times when you

Would get into the kitchen garbage and make a big mess!)

Are we all not like that?

A mix of things that seem good or seem bad

But our essence

Our beingness

The beauty that shines forth from within

Is not that our true nature?

Which is always there

To which I can connect deeply

In each and every moment

To you

To me

To all our loved ones

Wherever they may be

On this earthly plane

Or dearly departed

Whatever part of creation

They are, were or are yet to be.


Blessings be upon you



                                                                          Wed. Oct. 23, 2019 Wakefield



From whence does it come
and where does it go?
Oh muse, give me the words to describe
that which cannot be described
the bliss
the wondrous feeling
the timelessness
the eternal that exists in every one of us
always there
always present
that which comes
that all of a sudden is just there
that which cannot be willed to appear
that cannot be summoned by the mind
which is not of the mind
which the mind can only seek after
and desire to hold on to
like it holds on to the only thing it knows –
thoughts and remembrances
which joy is not

So joy is something that just appears
that just is
that cannot be created by the mind
that to the mind is illusive
always just outside of its grasp
seeming so close
that I have spent countless moments trying 
to keep hold of
clinging to it when it comes and desiring after it 
when it is gone
unable to grasp the ungraspable

So joy just is
I can be aware of its presence in the 
moment of a long deep breath
taken for no purpose
other than ____________*
and suddenly there it is

*and what is ____________ ?

Without answering I will let my face soften, and let all 
the thoughts clambering for attention to just be
and breath fully and richly and allow that smile to
emerge and rest in that moment, knowing without 
looking at my body that
it is there, my hands, my feet, my arms, my legs, 
sensing every part
feeling so thankful , thanking my eyes, my ears, 
my nose, every part, every organ, every cell . . . . .
And there is Joy

And now, coming into this moment
into my life situation
allowing the integration of 
joy into what needs to be done today
the task that needs doing
the conversation that needs having
facing whatever has been avoided
allowing the fears and whatever else is 
present to be felt
and in so doing to soften and lose their power over me
so right action can emerge
from the place where the underlying joy is
that place of love and wholeness and gratitude and 
wonder at every human being
and the whole of life and creation

How humbling it is to be a part of this vastness
the immense spaciousness
to become aware of the breath again
of Now
of this moment.

			Sunday morning, Oct 19, 2019, Wakefield

Of stillness and knowing

Today I read about your pain
your call for support in time of need
In stillness I asked what I could do
And these words emerged from deep within
Emerged like the shining ball of light that you are
Like the beauty of your soul
Like the hope that you bring to the world
With your love and humour and passion for life and living
I call to you in stillness
I touch your heart and soul
I am moved by your presence
In Presence my fears and yearnings transform 
And joy emerges
A joy that is beyond words
Joy at being alive
At all the beauty and goodness in this world
Of that which is
That which you are
Your essence
May love, joy and blessings be upon you
Now and always


				Fri. Oct. 11, 6 am Wakefield